First smaller patch

Hey all,

It's time for the first real patch for "My Little Z." In this patch, I mostly addressed smaller bugs I encountered during game testing, such as getting stuck in walls where you shouldn't be stuck. Additionally, this patch should improve the visual scaling for smaller screen resolutions. But perhaps the most important update: I nerfed the fireball imps. They were just too hard.

And now, a little bit of small talk from my developer's box. Initially, my idea was to build more small projects to develop the skills I need for my dream game. However, after rethinking this approach (I still believe it's good to release playable things, even if they're not perfect), I want to see My Little Z as my prototype dungeon game. Over the next month, I will slowly add the features (Bombs are coming, guys!) and scripts I need. In the end, My Little Z should be a downsized version of my dream game (I need a name for that one).

TL;DR: Come back regularly to see if a new version with new features is released.

Best regards, 



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44 days ago 17 MB
44 days ago

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